Product Care


Any small spills may be spot-cleaned with a damp cloth. You can maintain the pile and lustre of your authentic sheepskin rug with a regular vigorous shake out and brush with a metal bristle carding brush (See Hardware & Accessories). This tool will help untangle the wool fibres which can get matted down over time and to remove any debris trapped in the pile. You may also wash with mild liquid hand soap or enzyme-free washing liquids. A brisk shake and brushing with a metal bristle carding brush both before and after washing will restore the original lustre of the rug. It is recommended to dry naturally in the shade. Avoid direct sunlight as UV rays may cause the dyed colour to fade and/or discolour.



This tool will help untangle the wool fibres of your sheepskin which can get matted down over time and to remove any debris trapped in the pile. It can be used both before and after spot cleaning and washing to restore the original lustre of the rug.

For general sheepskin maintenance

Briskly shake your sheepskin to remove any large particles and dust. Then firmly press the brush down into the hair fibres, separating them with your hand if necessary to get the brush in the right spot. Then gently press and pull away in the direction of the hair growth. Continue this process over your sheepskin. Some shedding (wool fluff) will come out in the brush. This is normal and can be removed from the brush by hand in the direction away from the bristles so as not to hurt yourself.

For cleaning your sheepskin

For washing or spot cleaning, first, give the sheepskin a brisk shake and brush per the instructions above. Allow the sheepskin to dry naturally in the shade. Avoid direct sunlight as UV rays may cause the dyed colour to fade and/or discolour. Then when it’s almost dry give it a good brush, then again when dry.

NOTE: Any small spills can be spot-cleaned with a damp cloth. For large areas, you may wash with mild liquid hand soap or enzyme-free washing liquids. It's preferable to avoid full immersion of the sheepskin in liquid if possible to help avoid the natural suede reverse from hardening and the sheepskin hair fibres from curling too much - but if it must be done, this is where the brush can be used to minimise this!)


All of our corals are imported and as such are subject to stringent compliance to the international environmental convention, CITES. Australia has world best practice in this area. The collection of our coral is from overseas areas and zones have NOT been subject to coral bleaching. Please do not hesitate to get in touch for more information about our stringent coral collection processes.



When you first receive a new crystal or even after you have been using them for some time, they will have absorbed a range of different energies that they will have been exposed to by yourself and others who may have handled them. Therefore, it's important to 'cleanse' your crystals as soon as you obtain them, and on a regular basis.

This cleansing process is intended to cleanse the stone of its stored energies, both good and bad, which can be released again by the stone at any time and once it becomes loaded with energy.  

A simple full moon cleansing process you can follow any time you receive a ‘new’ crystal or need to reset and recharge them:

  • Rinse the crystal under running water – a tap will be fine, but a stream or ocean is even better.
  • Set the crystals outside on the earth or a natural surface (e.g., a timber table or platter) or on a window sill where they will receive direct moonlight. As you set each one down name something you want to let go of. You can name the same thing over and over or pick a different one with each crystal.
  • Take them in the next morning allowing a little reboot with the sun’s energy, but not for too long, just through sun rise is enough.
  • Now the fun part, charge your newly cleansed crystals with your intentions. Charging crystals with your energy helps them stay focused. You can charge all your crystals at once by imagining them soaked in healing energy or individually e.g., charge your rose quartz with intentions around self-love or relationship, your quartz with goals etc.

Note: there are few different methods you can use when it’s not full moon if you feel you need to cleanse or charge your crystals. I tend to avoid sunlight and salt methods which can be harsh on some types of crystals. A simple regular cleansing method I do is using sage (or Palo Santo) smudging sticks. The smoke from burning sage is an excellent cleanser not only for your crystals but also for the surrounding environment. To cleanse your crystals this way you can either hold the burning sage near the crystals so that the smoke fills the air around them using a feather or simply your hands to diffuse the cleansing smoke.


You will need your sage bundle (or a palo santo stick) a candle, a fireproof bowl with sand (or your abalone shell- a traditional vessel used by Indigenous American people that represents the element of water). To properly honour this ancient cleanse, ensure you create space and time to complete the ceremony, quietly, calmly and completely. Allow at least 15 minutes.

Light the candle and set your intentions for the cleanse or say a simple prayer. Light the tip of your smudge stick from the candle and gently blow on it until the tip begins to smoulder. If a true flame appears, shake the bundle gently or blow until it is just embers and smoke. You may have to re-light the sage bundle a few times during the ritual process

Where possible hold the smudge stick over the fireproof container to avoid any lit herbs falling. Gently wave your hands to disperse the smoke, staying connected to your breathing.

Move clockwise around your house (usually starting at the front door), and gently wave the smoke into the air. Spend more time in the corners of the room, as they tend to accumulate stagnant energy. Be sure to also open the closet doors and carefully smudge inside. When you have smudged all areas of your house, come back to where you started and gently extinguish your smudge stick (dipping it into a bowl with sand while applying a bit of pressure usually works well). 

You can also smudge yourself (or somebody else): once your smudge stick is lit and smouldering, direct the smoke waves to the overall energy field around your body, starting with the area above your head and continuing down to your feet. Do not forget to breathe deeply while you do that.
